What Can 24-Hour Home Care Help Your Family With?

What kinds of care do your parents need every day? With some chronic health conditions and family situations, a few hours of home care services in the day just isn’t enough. Have you discovered 24-hour home care yet? Here are the different ways it can help older adults who need around-the-clock care services.

Alzheimer’s Care

Diseases like Alzheimer’s require someone to be offering support and care throughout the day and night. Wandering and sundowning are two issues that often occur at night after most caregivers have left for the day. You need sleep, but your parent can’t be alone due to the risk of wandering.

With 24-hour home care services, your mom or dad has a caregiver available if they wake up at 1 a.m. and do not want to go back to sleep. You’ve tried doing everything on your own, but you’re exhausted. Lack of sleep is causing your mental and physical health to plummet.

By having caregivers available all night, you’re able to get a whole night’s sleep. You know it’s okay as someone is there and paying attention so that you can sleep through.

Specific Medication Schedules

Some medications have to be taken at specific times during the day and night. Examples are an antibiotic that has to be taken every four hours or insulin injections at certain hours. If your parents miss a dose, it can impact their health.

You’ve set timers to take them up in the night, but they sleep through it. Instead, you can hire caregivers to wake them up to take the next dose. When the caregiver’s shift ends, another caregiver comes in as a replacement. That ensures your parents never miss a dose.

Support in Urgent Situations

Suppose your mom had a stroke and uses a wheelchair now. It’s the middle of the night, and she needs to use the toilet. With 24-hour home care services, there’s a caregiver available to help her get to the bathroom, clean up, and get back into bed.

Or, it could be a carbon monoxide alarm that goes off. Your mom needs to get into her wheelchair and out of the house. Outside, she needs to stay in a safe location while authorities come and check for issues. With a caregiver there, your mom won’t struggle. She also has someone there to help her keep from feeling alone and scared.

Even if you’re not sure that what your parent needs fits into the realm of 24-hour home care, it doesn’t hurt to ask. You’d be surprised what services are available from a home care agency. Call now and ask to talk to an expert in 24-hour home care to discuss your parents’ needs.

Source: https://www.healinghandshs.com/home-care-blog

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