Embrace a New Hobby During National Hobby Month

Each January, National Hobby Month is celebrated as a way to get people to enjoy a new or favorite hobby. Hobbies are vital as they help relieve stress while also engaging the brain in something outside of the daily routine. No matter how old or young you are, a hobby is important for your emotional and mental health.

Have you and your parent’s found hobbies that you love? Here are some of the hobbies that older adults love. Maybe one of them will be exactly what you and your parents want to try next.


Your mom and dad want a pet, but they don’t want to have to take it for walks or deal with grooming tasks. Have you considered a fish tank? Aquariums can be simple with a few plants and a single fish or elaborate with many fish, plants, and aquatic décor.


Baking is a beneficial hobby as it’s fun, works the muscles if you’re kneading or mixing dough by hand, and stocks the kitchen with food. When you’re baking items, stick to whole-grain loaves of bread and other baked goods, and your parents have plenty of high-fiber foods available.

Candle Making

Wax, heat-proof containers, scents, and a wick get you started in candle making. You can purchase beeswax pastilles and paraffin wax beads at many hobby stores. Candles are excellent gifts and can be stored for later use if there’s a power outage.

Flower Arranging

Purchase silk or fabric flowers or grow flowers in your garden and arrange them in containers using floral foam. Use that to create colorful centerpieces for the table. Experiment with colors and come up with flower baskets or bowls that match the décor.

Flower arranging can become a profitable side business, too. If you and your parents get good at it, you should sell your arrangements at craft sales and enjoy a little extra cash for vacations and entertainment.

Poetry Writing

Vent your frustrations or share stories by writing poems. They can rhyme, but they can also just be written prose. When you write them, consider entering poetry contests. They’re easy to find online and can lead to you and your parents having poems published in books or magazines. You could win cash if your poem is good enough.

Senior care at home provides your parents with socialization and help with their daily routines. It’s an excellent service to consider when you work, need time off, or don’t live nearby. Your mom or dad has a caregiver with them to help with hobbies, chores, and meals. Talk to a senior care at home specialist to learn more.

Source: https://www.healinghandshs.com/home-care-blog

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