Whether your dad had to get his shingles vaccination, an updated tetanus, a flu shot, or the COVID vaccination, the side effects may affect him. For some, mild arm pain is all they experience. Others experience swelling at the injection site, a fever, flu-like aches and pains, or chills.
Don’t let fears of the side effects keep him from getting important vaccinations. To help him handle the side effects, there are a few things you can try.
What Are the Most Common Side Effects?
Side effects vary from one immunization to the next. For the newer COVID-19 vaccination, people have typically complained about a fever, pain and swelling at the injection site, headache, and a lack of energy. Your dad should take it easy for a day or two. He can use medications to ease the pain, fever, and headache. If there is swelling, ice packs may help.
Many older adults tolerate the shingles vaccination well. Pain and swelling at the injection site are common and can be eased with pain relievers and ice packs. A headache, fever, and chills are also typical and are also helped with an over-the-counter pain reliever.
The flu shot is one your dad should be getting every year. Like the others, swelling and pain at the injection site are normal. A fever, muscle aches, and headache are also common. Again, over-the-counter pain relievers will ease many of the symptoms. Swelling at the injection site can be eased with ice packs.
Side effects from the tetanus shot also cause some pain and swelling at the injection site. Use ice packs to help with that. Some people find it hard to fully lift their arms. If that happens, make sure your dad has someone to help him cook meals and do the housework. He may need help getting a shirt over his head.
Arrange Senior Care Services While He Builds Immunity
Make sure your dad has help while he’s getting past the side effects. He may find it’s hard to move his arm for a few days. Hire senior care aides to help him with housework and meals. If he’s dealing with flu-like symptoms, have a caregiver stop in to remind him when he can take more Advil or Tylenol and to bring water and fluids to him in bed or on the sofa.
He may only need senior care services for a few days, but you should consider having the caregivers around regularly as he ages. He can always have someone assisting with laundry, housework, and transportation to and from his doctor’s office. Call a senior care specialist to learn more about care services and pricing.